How to Know If You Have Herniated Disc?

So, you are sitting comfortably at the office, and as soon as you try to get up from the chair, you feel a sudden pain radiating through your lower back.

And that sudden pain could be a symptom of a slipped or herniated disk.

According to spine specialists in Ahmedabad, a herniated disk generally refers to the problems with one of the rubber-like cushions known as discs. These discs are located between the vertebrae (a set of 24 bones that make up the human spine).

Every human spine contains a soft, jellylike center, the nucleus housed in a strong, rubber-like exterior known as the annulus.

If one suffers from herniated disks, the annulus has a puncture, and the nucleus flows out of it.

So, if you want to know whether you have herniated or slipped disk symptoms, here are 3 telltale signs to know.

Signs You Have Herniated Disc

Pain While Sitting

According to the doctors, the body deploys immense pressure on the lower spinal discs while sitting. If you have a herniated disc, this tremendous pressure within your disc can cause the bulge to become more pronounced, significantly worsening your lower back when sitting.

Pain Radiating into your Leg (Sciatica)

The discs in your lower back generally herniate or bulge near your spinal nerve roots. If you have herniated discs, it may affect these nerve roots through the following methods:

  • Chemical irritation: Sometimes, herniated discs may leak acidic chemicals that can cause inflammation and irritation near the nerve root area.
  • Direct compression: The disc’s bulge or leaking inner contents directly press on a spinal nerve root as it exits the spinal canal.

Because of these, the function of the affected nerve root is altered, and you may start feeling a burning sensation with numbness, weakness, and tingling sensation on the front or back side of the thigh, leg, and foot.

If you start feeling numbness and tingling sensation in your thigh or foot, book your appointment with Swasti Spine and Mind Care today.

Feeling Pain Due to Specific Activities

When you perform the following activities, your lower back pain and sciatica may get worse:

  • Picking up heavy objects
  • Bending down
  • Trying to push or pull a heavy load
  • Sneezing or coughing

So, these are some symptoms with which you can know whether you have a herniated or slipped disc. If you have these symptoms, you must get spine treatment in Ahmedabad immediately.

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